Our Services

Specialized in the following areas

  • ​Expressive and/or receptive language delay/disorder

  • Phonological disorder

  • Articulation disorder

  • Pragmatic language/ Social skills

  • Feeding difficulties

    (picky eaters, inability to latch during nursing)

Common Diagnoses

  • ​Autism spectrum disorder

  • ​Cerebral palsy

  • ​Developmental delay (e.g. "Late talker")

  • ​Down syndrome

  • Genetic syndromes

  • ​Hearing impairment

  • Intellectual Disability

  • Neurological impairment

Driven by the Needs


Therapy is always evidence-based and driven by the needs and interests of the client. Sessions are typically provided in the child's natural environment (i.e. home, daycare, preschool, or other community-based setting). This is often the most appropriate setting to address the child's needs, especially for children ages 0-5. Caregivers are always encouraged to be an active part of our therapy sessions in order to best carryover activities and skills outside of the therapy sessions.

At farfall therapy, we firmly believe in empowering you as the caregiver in every session, in order for you to be able to carry over and apply the strategies, tips, and information learned at home. ​Sessions are scheduled for ​60​ minutes ​including ​5-10 minutes to discuss activities done in session. Your therapist will work with you as a team to determine the session length, frequency, and setting that best meets your child's individual needs. ​Frequency of sessions per week is determined based on severity and areas of difficulty the child presents with.

*​Sessions are also offered via telehealth, based on the need and interests of the family.



We offer complementary 15-20 minutes phone consultations to review your concerns and child’s needs and determine if a screening or an evaluation is needed. ​If your child has already had a comprehensive speech and language evaluation completed within the past 6 months, a consultation via phone or in person can determine the need for therapy services. Additionally, formal and informal testing without a written report can be completed to determine if Farfalla Therapy is the right fit for you and your child.

Complimentary Screenings


A screening is completed by the therapist to determine if a comprehensive evaluation is needed. ​Screenings are quick and informal, usually consisting of questions based on your concerns in the areas of speech, language, social development, oral-motor, social interaction, and feeding​. A screening also takes into consideration data from the child’s teachers and healthcare providers to determine if a comprehensive evaluation is needed.



An evaluation will be administered to determine error sounds and current level of intelligibility. If your child has difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, making his or her speech hard to understand, or poor intelligibility then an articulation evaluation will be administered to determine level of delay and severity. ​(e.i. Child says, “bat” for “cat” or “nana” for “banana”).


An evaluation will be administered to determine your child’s ability to chew or swallow food. The SLP will first complete an oral mechanism exam which involves observing the child’s ability to move oral structures (lips, tongue, cheeks, etc.) and any asymmetry or weakness noted. Next, the SLP will ask the parent or caregiver to begin to offer the child’s favorite food. SLP will ask the parent to provide different foods and textures and consistencies in order to identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses. As the therapist and child enjoy the different foods, the therapist will observe the child’s ability to hold the food in their mouth, chew, and swallow without leaving residue behind. Once the evaluation is complete the therapist will be able to make recommendations therapy. 

At Farfalla Therapy, we coach and empower you to help your child experience a more pleasant meal and help reduce frustration around mealtime routines.


A language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. A comprehensive receptive and expressive evaluation will be administered, if your child has minimal words, uses short sentences and/or has difficulty following instructions. The therapist will evaluate your child’s:

• Understanding and use of different words
• Correct use of words in correctly formed sentences
• Use of language for different purposes


*Evaluations may be administered based on the recommendation of the clinician. A written report of all informal and formal assessments, as well as recommendations for services, will be given to the caregiver two weeks after initial evaluation.

*Evaluations may be offered via tele-health, based on the need and interests of the family.

Schedule a Consultation.