The story behind our name.

Farfalla means butterfly in Italian.

At Farfalla Therapy it is our mission to help reach your child reach their fullest potential and be able to reach new heights.

“A butterfly symbolizes transformation, change, and a new form of life. Butterflies go through different stages in their lives before truly blossoming into a beautiful butterfly. The transformation, change, and renewal of their lives can be synonymous to the life of a person. Just as when a person undergoes changes and faces difficulty and not so beautiful phases in their life, what happens next is that all these things are transformed into a learning experience where the person grows and changes for the better. Just as the butterfly leaves behind its cocoon and transforms from a low crawling crater, the person now reaches his full potential is able to reach new heights.” – Butterfly Insights

Farfalla Therapy is a pediatric, bilingual therapy practice that provides individualized services based on the specific needs of your child. We specialize in premature infants, early intervention birth to 5 years of age, and school aged children 6 to 10 years of age. Our therapy model is designed for the clinician to collaborate with parents, teachers, and healthcare providers to ensure maximum success and to adapt both language skills and communication tools that can be applied in any environment. At Farfalla Therapy, we believe in empowering you as the caregiver in every session in order for you to implement treatment strategies and techniques learned at home. Research has proven that children are most successful when they are treated in their natural environment, whether that is in their home, school, child development center, daycare or community setting. Farfalla Therapy currently serves Dallas and the surrounding areas. Evaluation and therapy services are available in English or Spanish, depending on your child’s native language.